Impact – Wealth Management


Preparing for a Happy Marriage in Retirement

You’re financially prepared for retirement, but is your MARRIAGE prepared for retirement? As a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning, over the last 15 years I’ve helped somewhere around 100 couples transition into retirement.  The decision to retire is obviously one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make.  You will … Read more

Take the vacation!

You’ve worked hard to save money, but now you’re finding it really hard to SPEND it.  I get it.  But in case you were looking for permission, here it is: Take the Vacation! The Balance between Saving and Spending Throughout my life, no force on earth proved more powerful than the “When I grow up…” … Read more

Financially and Mentally Preparing for Retirement

For the last 15 years I’ve helped somewhere around 100 couples transition into retirement. The decision to retire is obviously one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make. You will say goodbye to your income source and live almost entirely off of what you’ve saved. That’s a huge leap!! What I’ve … Read more